Tundavala: Revista Angolana de Ciências was created in 2012 as a vehicle for the production and dissemination of Angolan science within the SADEC and CPLP cultural region. It is the result of researchers from the Instituto Superior Politécnico Tundavala do Lubango, the almost non-existence of Angolan vehicles for scientific dissemination, a fact that makes it difficult to publish research developed locally and by Angolan researchers, putting them at a disadvantage compared to other countries and regions. .
Focus and Scope
Tundavala: Revista Angolana de Ciências - TRAC is a multidisciplinary publication of the Instituto Superior Politécnico Tundavala. The Journal publishes academic articles resulting from original theoretical or field research.
Its purpose is to offer a space for the dissemination of national and international scientific production.
Peer Review Process
Tundavala: Angolan Science Journal is open to national and international contributions. Manuscripts are evaluated for originality, importance of the topic and the quality of the scientific methodology used, also taking into account the editorial standards adopted by the journal. All manuscripts submitted to the journal are evaluated by two or more evaluators who are specialists in the subject of the submitted article. The evaluation is done anonymously (Double blind review), ensuring secrecy throughout the review process.
At the end of the evaluation, the accepted manuscripts will be sent to the authors so that any modifications can be made and so that they are aware of the changes to be introduced.
The authors must return the text with the requested modifications, justifying in the referral letter, if applicable, the reason for rejecting the evaluators' suggestions.
At the end of the process, the editorial committee will decide whether or not to approve the manuscript and its publication.
Texts in which plagiarism is identified will be immediately rejected. The Journal adopts plagiarism identification systems in the texts it receives.
Tundavala: Revista Angolana de Ciências is an annual magazine.
Free Access Policy
This journal offers free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.
All content, with few exceptions, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Intellectual property
Tundavala: Revista Angolana de Ciências is edited by the Instituto Superior Politécnico Tundavala and maintained with the institution's own funds.
Presentation of Tundavala: Angolan Science Magazine
Tundavala: Revista Angolana de Ciências publishes national and international contributions with the aim of offering broad multi and interdisciplinary studies and is open to national and international contributions of academic and unpublished articles resulting from original theoretical or field research, research reports, interviews , book reviews and abstracts of dissertations and theses from different areas.
The article must have a maximum of 4 (four) authors, and the first author must have a minimum master's degree. It is possible to accept texts from master's students (master's and master's students), as long as they have been written in co-authorship with doctors.
Tundavala: Revista Angolana de Ciências does not accept manuscripts already published or submitted to another journal; already disclosed in whole or in part on the internet; parts of theses and dissertations; texts published in annals of scientific events.
Articles accepted for publication automatically become the property of the journal and may only be republished with written authorization from the journal.
Tundavala: Revista Angolana de Ciências is not responsible for the bibliographical references provided by the authors.
Works, even if not accepted for publication, will not be returned.
The original articles sent must be definitively revised and adapted to the new Portuguese language in force in Angola, texts written according to the new spelling agreement may be accepted.
The concepts and declarations contained in the works are the sole responsibility of the authors.
Tundavala: Revista Angolana de Ciências adopts the principles contained in the Codes of Ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The works reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of the Editorial and Scientific Committee of the journal.
Submission of manuscripts
Articles must be sent to the Journal through the electronic manuscript submission site: http://portalpensador.com/index.php/Tdvla/about/submissions
The number 4 of Revista Tundavala opens the doors to other areas of the scientific domain, namely Engineering, International Relations, Law and Nursing, after the first ones were somehow dedicated to Psychology and Earth Sciences

This issue is dedicated to psychological assessment, an area in deficit in Angola. Psychological instruments consist of one of the most important tools of a psychological assessment and their use occurs in several contexts in which the psychologist works. In order to use measurement instruments in Psychology, it is important that they are submitted to statistical analyzes that guarantee that their psychometric qualities justify their use. This is the case of the eight articles presented here.

This edition of Revista Tundavala is entirely dedicated to the dissemination of abstracts of Scientific Papers presented at Luso Angolan Geosciences Seminar for the Society, held at_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3d5b5b Tundavala in May 2015. This Seminar will present 55 abstracts of scientific works, namely Master's theses, resulting from a partnership between ISP Tundavala and the Department of_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Earth Sciences of the FCT of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. This partnership began in 2008, with the first edition of the Master in Geosciences, with two variants: Environment and Planning and Geology_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5cf58d_petroleums. During this journey, there were 6 editions of the 1st variante and 2 editions of the 2nd variant.
Edition dedicated to the area of Health, Systemic and Family Psychology. The works presented here are the result of collaboration between ISPTUNDAVALA and the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra.
The articles published here are just a part of the more than 60 Master's works that have been completed in the meantime, which will also be published in the future.

This issue of Revista Tundavala is entirely dedicated to Psychology on the occasion of the 1st National Congress of Psychology.