Title 1
ISPT is responsible for two scientific research projects, funded by the German Federal Government, within SASSCAL – Southern Africa Science Service Center for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management.
This major project involves 5 countries in Southern Africa (Angola, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zambia), for a total of 50 million euros in two phases of 2+2 years. The ISPT, depending on the application submitted in due time, is entitled to around 600,000 euros. The projects are:
Project 139 – Installation of an Experimental Basin on the Giraúl River, in Namibe Province
Value – 308,960 euros
Responsible researcher – Prof. Teixeira Pinto, from the Department of Civil Engineering
Project 141 – Development of weather observation conditions in Southwest Angola
Value – 288,226 euros
Researcher in charge – Eng.º Carlos Ribeiro, from the Department of Environmental Engineering
These projects involve the participation of students from the 4th and 5th years of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Courses and are intended to study climatic conditions, with emphasis on precipitation, surface runoff and sediment transport. The area in question is markedly characterized by scarce but very concentrated rainfall, which cause torrential regimes with high transport of solids that lead to the destruction of the areas where people live near water lines, their fragile agriculture and the progressive degradation of the land.