In the Physiotherapy course, graduates are offered the possibility of training as generalist Physiotherapist professionals, to act at all levels of health care, with a broad and global vision, with self-criticism that allows, above all, the ability to think, autonomy and resoluteness problems of the social demands of the population. The Physiotherapist can act in the promotion, maintenance, prevention, protection and recovery of health, but is also aware of and committed to the human being.
A physiotherapist can act as a liberal professional, he can act in health institutions, such as hospitals, clinics, health posts, rehabilitation centers, geriatric centers, etc.
The Graduation Course in Physiotherapy aims to train a generalist, humanist, critical and reflective professional, able to work at all levels of health care. Holder of a broad and global vision, respecting the ethical/bioethical, and cultural principles of the individual and the community. That has human movement as its object of study in all its forms of expression and potential, whether in pathological, kinetic-functional alterations, or in its psychic and organic repercussions, aiming at the preservation, development, restoration of organ integrity, systems and functions, from the elaboration of the physical and functional diagnosis, to the choice and execution of the physiotherapeutic procedures pertinent to each situation.
The Physiotherapist trained by ISPT will have generalized training and at the end of the course will be able to enter the professional market having achieved the following objectives:
Mastering the knowledge of the basic sciences that support physical therapy practice;
Possess knowledge and be able to use physiotherapy resources within the scope of their rationale, management and proper use;
Knowing organic dysfunctions in their different phases and levels of interference in systems;
Responsibly perform the function of your profession.
Skills, attitudes and skills
The Undergraduate Course in Physiotherapy must also ensure the training of professionals with specific skills, abilities and attitudes to:
Exercise the profession as a form of social contribution to the specific health needs of the population and the structure of the country's health system;
Insert oneself professionally in the different levels of health care, acting in programs for the promotion, maintenance, prevention, protection, recovery and rehabilitation of health, seeking to act, whenever possible, in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary way;
Recognize health and decent living conditions as the rights of all, and act to ensure the maintenance of health, well-being and quality of life for people, families and the community, understanding comprehensive health care as an articulated and continuous set preventive and curative actions and services, individual and collective, required for each case at all levels of complexity of the health system and carried out in a multidisciplinary way;
Relate the historical, philosophical and methodological foundations of Physiotherapy with the structure of the country's health system, and recognize that the profession changes in response to the health needs of society and the development of knowledge in physiotherapy;
Critically elaborate the wide spectrum of clinical, scientific, philosophical, ethical, political, social and cultural issues involved in the professional performance of the physiotherapist, being able to intervene in the different areas where his professional performance is necessary;
Respect the ethical principles inherent to professional practice;
Maintain the confidentiality of information in interactions with other health professionals and the general public;
Prescribe, administer and supervise the application of physical resources that aim to preserve, maintain, develop or restore the integrity of an organ, system or function of the human body;
Carry out consultations, assessments and reassessments of the patient by collecting data, requesting, performing and interpreting propaedeutic and complementary tests that allow the elaboration of a kinetic-functional diagnosis, to choose and quantify the appropriate physiotherapeutic techniques, resources and conducts, aiming to treat dysfunctions in the field of Physiotherapy , in all its extension and complexity, establishing prognosis, reassessing conducts and deciding on physical therapy discharge;
Critically elaborate the functional kinetic diagnosis and the physiotherapy intervention, considering the wide spectrum of clinical, scientific, philosophical, ethical, social and cultural politics issues involved in the professional performance of the physiotherapist, being able to intervene in the different areas where his professional performance is necessary;
Plan, program, order, coordinate, execute and supervise the application of physical therapy methods, techniques and resources that aim to preserve, maintain, develop or restore the integrity of organs, systems or functions of the human body, specifically those related to movement;
Evaluate, reassess and determine the discharge conditions of clients undergoing physiotherapy;
Maintain control over the effectiveness of technological resources relevant to physiotherapeutic action, guaranteeing their quality and safety;
Intervene to resolve emergency conditions;
Issue reports, opinions, certificates and reports;
Refer the patient, when necessary, to other professionals, relating and establishing a level of cooperation with the other members of the health team;
Use widely understood and properly defined technical terminology and preferably use internationally accepted models and definitions (eg WHO);
Provide clarifications, resolve doubts and guide the individual and their family members following the therapeutic process;
Manage services and places for physiotherapy activities, as well as assume technical responsibility for the performance of these activities;
Carry out planning, organization and management activities for public or private health services, in addition to advising, providing consultancy and auditing within the scope of their professional competence;
Emphasize the need for practice to be based on clinical and scientific evidence whenever possible;
Appreciate the interdependence of practice, research and education in the profession;
Develop a critical, investigative sense and gain the personal and intellectual autonomy necessary to undertake continuous training in their professional practice;
Develop activities for the socialization of technical-scientific knowledge in their area of expertise, through classes, lectures and conferences, in addition to monitoring and incorporating technological innovations relevant to their professional practice.
Field of action
The professional physiotherapist can act from the prevention phase to the rehabilitation at an individual and collective level, in health care. Thus, you can work in hospitals, health units, assistance organizations, nursing homes, diagnostic centers, clinics, etc.