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Nursing is a branch of health sciences that deals with assistance to human beings in the health-disease cycle, in all age groups. The nurse is the professional who helps to maintain the balance of the human being through the promotion, protection, recovery of health and rehabilitation, through Nursing assistance to people, families and other groups of communities. Directs the work of Nursing assistance, exerts administrative coordination of certain health actions carried out by other professionals in the health services.





The Nursing Course aims to train professionals capable of planning, controlling, executing and evaluating activities linked to the promotion of human health, disease prophylaxis and treatment of patients, through the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

It also aims, through knowledge, experiences and activities, to support the personal processes of professional performance related to self-development as a human being, to interpersonal interaction, to respect for the man who is the object of his work, seeking, through full health, his integration into the social context to who belongs.





The ISPT Nursing Course aims to provide solid training preparing the nursing professional to be able to:

  • Recognize and understand man as a bio-psycho-social-cultural being;

  • Recognize the complexity of the health-disease process and its multiple causes;

  • Participate with other health professionals in solving health problems;

  • Develop actions in the educational, administrative and research fields;

  • Recognize and critically analyze the role of nurses in the Angolan reality.


The curriculum of the Nursing course should enable professional training that reveals, through the following skills and abilities:

  • Respect the main ethical principles of the profession, as well as valuing the human being in a holistic view.

  • Possess critical awareness of the country's health reality, as well as assume attitudes that can effectively transform it.

  • Take on the role of educator in Nursing actions in front of the community that assists.

  • Possess intellectual and research curiosity to help build knowledge to improve the quality of life of the Brazilian population.

  • Possess technical and ethical competence to practice nursing at different levels of health care; managing, assisting, educating and researching.

  • Be able to join the multidisciplinary team in the health area, aiming to improve the quality of customer service.


Field of Activity

  • Management of the Integrated Nursing Body of the basic structure of a health institution, public or private, and head of service and Nursing unit;

  • Organization and management of nursing services and their technical and auxiliary activities in companies providing these services;

  • Planning, organization, coordination, execution and evaluation of nursing care services;

  • More technically complex nursing care that requires knowledge and ability to make immediate decisions;

  • Participation in the planning, execution and evaluation of the health service;

  • Participation in health education programs and activities, aimed at improving the health of individuals, families and the general population;

  • Participation in health and safety programs at work.

  • Participation in the development of technology for health care.

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