Professional with generalist, humanist, critical and reflective training, to act at all levels of health care, with scientific and intellectual rigor and qualified to carry out activities related to drugs and medications, clinical and toxicological analyzes and control, production and food analysis.
Selecting pharmaceutical and cosmetic supplies to obtain medication, as well as performing and interpreting clinical analyses.
The aim of the Pharmacy Course is to train full-fledged Pharmacists, focused on medication and inserted in the context of comprehensive health care. Aspects related to the study of medication are covered in professional training, namely: Research, production, commercialization, dispensation and surveillance of its pharmacological action; it also covers the social formation of the pharmacist as a health professional. Qualified to act in the areas of clinical and toxicological analysis, in quality control in the food industry, in the medicine and cosmetics industry.
In the IPT Tundavala Pharmacy course, the professional must be able to:
Enter the market by generating and disseminating new knowledge about drugs, Drugs and medicines used in pharmacotherapy, basic and applied research;
Participate and act as a professional in multidisciplinary health teams, promoting pharmacological and health surveillance;
Critically develop its social function, as well as generate and disseminate new knowledge about pharmaceutical care systems;
Synthesize, analyze and know the properties of medicinal drugs, consisting of defined chemical species;
Knowing the origin, function and obtaining of natural drugs and their physiological action, as well as human physiology;
Selecting pharmaceutical and cosmetic supplies to obtain medication, as well as performing and interpreting clinical analyses.
Skills, attitudes and skills
The ISPTUNDAVALA Pharmacy course is committed to ensuring that students are trained with specific skills and abilities to:
Handling medicines in general and dispensing pharmaceutical specialties in all types of Pharmaceutical Establishments to meet medical, dental and veterinary prescriptions;
Carry out procedures related to the collection of material for the purposes of laboratory and toxicological analysis;
Act in the development and operation of pharmacological and toxicological information systems for patients, health teams, institutions and communities;
Interpret and evaluate prescriptions;
Formulate and produce medicines and cosmetics on any scale;
Research, produce, control and dispense homeopathic products;
Act in the promotion and management of the correct and rational use of medicines, at all levels of the health system, both in the public and private sectors;
Managing clinical and toxicological analysis laboratories;
Be responsible for the custody and control of narcotics and similar products, within pharmaceutical and hospital establishments, noting their sale and consumption, in order to comply with legal provisions;
Supervise the production and guide the analysis of finished pharmaceutical products, in preparation, or their inputs, using chemical, physical and biological methods to verify the quality, content, purity and quantity of each element;
Perform cytological, hematological, biochemical, mycological, microbiological, toxicological, immunological analyzes in a clinical laboratory;
Supervise and advise on the physical and chemical analysis of packaging, containers and wrappings of medicines in order to prevent them from altering their Pharmacodynamic characteristics;
Supervise, produce and carry out analysis of sera and vaccines in general and other substances, using laboratory methods to control their purity, quality and therapeutic activities;
Supervise, guide and perform physical, chemical and biological analyzes of water, issuing an opinion on its potability and minerability;
Carry out pharmacodynamic studies, using the synthesis of new drugs;
Guide and execute the synthesis of new drugs and extraction of active principles from natural products;
Carry out and be responsible for the bromatological analysis and production of food and dietetic products in official and private entities, using chemical, physical and other methods, to guarantee quality control, purity, conservation and homogeneity in the protection of public health ;
Execute and be responsible for the production, handling, analysis and study of reactions and balancing of cosmetics formula, using chemical, physical, statistical and experimental methods, in order to obtain individual and environmental hygiene, protection and beautification products;
Supervise and supervise pharmacies, drugstores, chemical-pharmaceutical establishments, food industries, serums and vaccines, and opotherapeutic products, regarding sanitary and technical aspects, making periodic visits and prosecuting offenders, if necessary, in order to guide their responsible for complying with current legislation;
Advise higher authorities, preparing reports and documents on legislation and pharmaceutical assistance, in order to serve as subsidies for the preparation of service orders, ordinances, opinions and others;
Advise physicians in human clinical research of medicines, providing them with pharmacological and biochemical subsidies;
Being able to integrate into a clinical laboratory, as a professional of the same, gathering, including ethical basis for this activity;
Guiding in the appropriate choice of laboratory test for the purposes of diagnosing different diseases.
Field of action
Hospital Pharmacy, compounding and dispensing;
Pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries;
Clinical and toxicological analysis laboratories;
Public health institutions;
Teaching and research institutions.